General Game Inspirations

Gwent - Winning rounds, totaling points to determine your score

Legends of Runeterra - Stack / priority system

Dominion - Discard pile shuffled to resupply deck

Magic the Gathering - Foundational in many card game mechanics, and most well-known

Story-Mode Inspirations

Braid - In the presentation of short vignettes which are skipable but express a lot when contemplated.

The Witness - Similar to the audio recordings which quote works on philosophy, science, and art. Also similar to the freedom to explore structure in that you can travel in different directions doing puzzles at your discretion and aren't forced to engage in a linear way.

Baba is You - Similar map structure and simplistic presentation, allowing for players to progress in a variety of directions based on their tastes.

Thronebreaker - Exploring an overworld map to collect cards / resources, and experience more story development.


SECTIONS Overview Start of match Start phase Action phase End phase Winning the match Drawing cards Precedence FAQ

OVERVIEW Celestial is a game in which 2 players compete to win 5 rounds before their opponent by playing cards face-down from their hand to the 'Story' in front of them.

Once both players are done adding cards to the Story, all cards are revealed and their points are totaled. The player with the higher score wins that round.

Cards have a variety of effects, such as: Revealing, creating, transforming, drawing, discarding, and removing from the game other cards. Use all of this to your advantage, and predict what your opponent is planning, in order to win at Celestial.

Each player brings a deck of any 15 cards. If they would draw but their deck is empty, their discard pile is shuffled to form a new deck.

START OF MATCH Each player shuffles their 15 card deck. Priority (The player who acts first) is determined at random at this time, and is known to both players. Each player draws 3 cards and is prompted to mulligan, both players do this at the same time, and know when their opponent's mulligan is complete.

To mulligan, a player selects any number of the 3 cards from their starting hand. They then draw that many cards from their deck, and shuffle away the cards that they selected. Neither player knows which or how many cards their opponent chooses to mulligan.

Once both players have mulliganed, the first round begins. Each round has the following structure: start phase, action phase, end phase.

START PHASE In the start phase, the following things occur in the following order: