Duration: Aim for a half second

Frequency: Semi-common sound, not heard in sequence with or concurrent to any other sound

Existing sound:


General Thoughts

The existing sound works well in the following ways:

  1. Length
  2. Natural / physical vibe
  3. The right amount of boldness. If it were a more frequently used sound it might become abrasive, but for its use-case it works well.

In these ways the sound falls short:

  1. Doesn’t intuitively sound like a menu open sound. It does sound like a ui sound, but is unlike the standards for menu/options/opening ui.
  2. Doesn’t fit with what is happening on screen. Explained below.

The visual effects for much of the ui isn’t finished, but one direction it could go is the player walking to the gates of the city (Title screen), workshop (Deck building scene), in the town square telling stories (Match scene), and experiencing the full story in single-player mode.

What the option menu could be in that case is a map opening or otherwise parchment rolling out (Keeping in line with the watercolor / ink illustrations of the art assets). Even if the visuals don’t show that, the sound can put it in the player’s mind sufficiently. Or if you have your own ideas feel free to go in that direction or bring it up to discuss.

The sound should also be cohesive with the visual style of the final art assets, the adjectives for audio (Calm, natural, contemplative), and not clash with the music. If it clashes with existing sfx that is fine.